Original Hats

Original Hartland Hats For Sale


Please Note: These are small toy hats that fit Hartland Plastics horse and rider sets from the ’50s and 60’s. These are NOT original, full sized hats from the TV shows!

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Hartland Original Hats

  1. Maverick Horse & Rider White Hat……..excellent……..$150
  2. Maverick H&R Black Hat…exc…micro fine crack on back of brim…custom painted…………………………………………………………….$125
  3. Chris Colt Hat…..near mint……………………………………$40*
  4. Johnny McKay Hat…..near mint……………………………..$40*
  5. Clay Hollister Hat…..near mint……………………………….$40*
  6. Jim Hardie Gunfighter Black Hat……excellent……………$80*
  7. Jim Hardie Gunfighter Maroon Hat….excellent…………..$80
  8. Jim Hardie Gunfighter Rare White Hat…excellent………$120
  9. Bat Masterson Gunfighter Hat…..excellent………………$100
  10. Sgt. Rex O’Rourke…..excellent……………………………..$80*
  11. Gil Favor Hat…………excellent………………………………$150
  12. Chief Thunderbird Warbonnet…..excellent………………..$75
  13. Davy Crockett Hat……….excellent………………………….$100*
  14. Brave Eagle Warbonnet……….excellent…………………..$80*
  15. Tom Jeffords Hat……….excellent……………………………$80*
  16. Cheyenne Hat……….excellent………………………………..$75*
  17. Buffalo Bill Hat……..excellent…………………………………$80*
  18. Rifleman Hat…….excellent…………………………………….$80*
  19. Lone Ranger Hat (Clayton Moore style)……………………$75*
  20. Lone Ranger Hat (CM style) Painted white over blue….$100
  21. Jim Bowie Hat…….excellent………………………………….$75*
  22. Matt Dillon Hat………excellent……………………………..$75* (seen above)
  23. Dale Evans Hat……..excellent………………………………..$75*
  24. Annie Oakley Hat…..excellent….with cord………………..$100*
  25. Lee Hat…..good (most of the gold rubbed off)…………..$40*
  26. Champ Hat (smaller size for LR or Champ figure)…ex….$60*
  27. Washington Hat…..excellent…………………………………..$60*
  28. Ward Bond / Seth Adams Hat….excellent………………….$80*
  29. Wyatt Earp Black Hat………excellent……………………….$60*
  30. Wyatt Earp Maroon Hat……..excellent……………………..$60*
  31. Large Champ Cowboy (style with crease)….excellent…$100*
  32. Lido Cowboy Hat…caramel in color….excellent………….$50*

You Can Pay by PayPal, Check, Cashier’s Check, and Money Orders!

*more than one possibly available

In July of 2022, Darla and I made the tough decision to sell out in Jackson Hole and move to a new home in Colorado. With limited space, I sent my entire collection of Hartland sets and boxes to an auction company. I still have a nice group of original parts, and some religious sets and pieces but I don’t have any boxes available now.

When I sold many of the sets, I pulled off many of the original parts to sell in the future. I have a lot of saddles, hats and weapons…just need to dedicate the time to photograph and list the pieces I have.

While I probably “should” close this site, I have left some of the old Hartland History pages, such as the Champ and Mastercrafters Clocks pages available. The pages corrected information found in some of the available books.

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Mike Jackson 3588 Gold Hill Dr. – Loveland, CO 80538

All Images and text on this site copyright Mike R. Jackson 1998-2024